March 15, 2009

Things Art Taught Me

Lately I have really been enjoying my digital art adventures. It's so much fun messing around on the computer and I have noticed a recurring pattern in the process of these creations.

Since I usually work fairly intuitively in this medium I don't often have a set plan. I open a few files, cut and paste a bit and generally play around with whatever colours and images take my fancy. Often I will have a broad theme but nothing is ever etched in stone.

What often happens is that I hit a wall. I reach a point where the whole thing seems yuck and seems to be going nowhere. And I start to get frustrated. But this is the best bit, and the part of the process that I am growing to love. Because once I move through that block, then the piece usually comes together, often by going off into surprising new directions. I love that wall! Now I get really excited when it all seems messy and 'wrong' because I know that I am about to have a breakthrough, a little leap forward.

Which leads me to imagine what it would be like to apply that to every single challenging life situation I may encounter. What would happen if every time I encounter an obstacle, or frustration, instead of fear or worry I get really excited because I know that I am about to have a leap in growth? Every frustration would be merely opportunity in disguise and life would be pretty exciting.

It's such a blessing to walk a creative path, because when I pay close attention I notice that the path is strewn with many gifts, even if at first glance I mistook them for rocks.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes I understand this, I too meet this wall. Sometimes I let the work lie and come back to it with fresh eyes and other times I work through it and it gets really exiting as the layers transform the piece :-)
    This digital art is unusual has a 'handmade' look to it ... very inspiring!
