February 14, 2009

My First Blog!


I have promised myself for what seems like the longest time that I would start my very own blog, but somehow managed to keep putting it off, until now. I had lots of excuses for this, not enough time, not enough skills....and the list goes on. I guess the main reason was my fear of 'exposing' myself publicly. However in the interests of reaching out, sharing and connecting I have decided to cast aside all of my fears and just give it a go. And truth be told I have been so inspired by the amazing blogs that are out there on the internet that I could not resist being a part of it. It's with a deep calming breath that I begin this, my latest project, and hope you forgive me for any 'newbie' breaches of etiquette as I navigate this unfamiliar, yet exhilarating territory. And also my not so flash photography, as I try to befriend my new digital camera :).

So, this is me, letting it all hang out; I guess I should introduce myself. I am passionate about art making, and trying to make a living from my art. I mostly make mandalas and still lifes, though love to try any and all arts and crafts, and lately have taken to printing my creations onto cotton bags, which I sell locally to shops, markets and anyone else who is interested in what I do. It brings me great joy to share my creations with others, and I am always happy when people seem to appreciate my creations as much as I enjoy making them. Making art keeps me sane, grounded and inspired and I love sharing that with others.

As time rolls on you will get to know more about me, and I look forward to comments and feedback. For now I say welcome fellow travelers, thanks for dropping by and I look forward to sharing this incredible journey with you.

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