February 15, 2009

Sunday Strolling

I felt too tired today to be very creative so decided to take an energising walk around town. One of the places I really wanted to share with you all in cyberspace is one of my favourite places around here. There is a local park that is home to a large colony of flying foxes where I thought that I could capture some great photos. It is always beautiful after the rain too, and we've had a lot of that. Perhaps a walk would diminish my sluggishness which seemed to match the grey cloudy day we were having.

Anyway off I went, armed with my trusty camera and more than a bit of enthusiasm. After checking the bridge at the river and seeing that we are still a way off from a flood I moseyed back to 'bat island' as it's called here.

So, this was what I found where the track should have been!

Ok, no worries, I thought, I came here to see bats and bats I will see. So I climbed over the fallen down tree and on I went. I figured I'd see it as a mini adventure. Fun....

Oooookaaay! The track continues over the water - you can just see it in the background. Guess I was heading home! And now I know why this place is called bat island.

Success and flying foxes at last! Not the greatest shots but not too bad figuring I could not get as close to them as I usually would.

There are great mobs of them here, and they spend all day hanging around screeching, fighting and sleeping. The noise and smell can both be pretty powerful at times. I love the way they tend to camouflage with the leafy trees.

Time to go home, or rather quit while I am ahead! And when I got home....

A masterwork by one of natures best builders, the male bower bird. As you can see he just loves to adorn his nest with anything blue. All the better to attract an unsuspecting hen into his domain! Who says cloudy Sunday's have to be dull?

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